The Bees Academy Schemes
We have three schemes running in the Bees Academy, namely:
- On Track – Track & Field.
This scheme, based in the athletics centre at Norman Park, covers running, jumping and throwing in various forms and through different approaches. The key here is that the children have some fun whilst their skill and achievement levels are being enhanced. This multi-event approach to development has been proven to enhance the athleticism of the youngsters and ultimately leads to better all-round athletes in the longer-term. Many of Blackheath & Bromley’s successful athletes have started their athletic careers in the Bees Academy and are not only competing at National level but have gone on represent their countries. The Track & Field Scheme is for children in School Years 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , and the coaching sessions are available on Mondays 5.00 to 6.00pm, Wednesdays 5.00 to 6.00pm, and Saturdays 9.00 to 10.00am. - Off Track – Endurance.
This scheme caters for the youngsters who wish to do endurance-type running, e.g. cross country. This scheme, based at Norman Park, is actually out in the park and surrounding woodland. In addition to the relatively high level of focus on endurance running skills, we do not forget the importance of introducing the Off Track athletes to a full range of movement skills to improve their all-round athleticism. The Off Track Scheme is for children in School Years 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The Off Track sessions are on Saturdays 9.10 to 10.00am at Norman Park Athletics Track. - Mini Bees.
This is a scheme introduced to cater for young children in School Years 1 & 2. Based in the athletics centre at Norman Park, this scheme aims to develop the children through the fundamentals of athletics primarily using appropriately designed fun and games activities. The Mini Bees sessions are on Saturdays 9.00 to 10.00am at Norman Park Athletics Track.